I'm A Do-It-Yourself'er & Can Do My Own Foundation Repair

What Is Carbon Fiber?

Carbon fiber is just that – it is a fiber made up of carbon. Carbon fibers have been found to be exceptionally strong, so that when the strands are woven, or run parallel with each other, they are significantly stronger than many other materials – like steel, for example... (read more)... 

Diagnose Your Problem

Water pressure is one of the most common causes for cracking and bowing concrete. It can push upwards (in what’s known as hydrostatic pressure), or push laterally against a wall, especially in colder climates. When water freezes it expands, causing... (read more)

Installing StablWall is as easy as... Well, see for yourself!

Install StablWall yourself and repair your foundation walls permanently––all without having to go through costly, messy and obtrusive excavation and construction!